Let me tell you about someone who will help you out immensely. This is something like a deal essentially. Now usually when you get sold on a deal, there are almost always negatives. For example, if I offer you a cookie, what are the pros to accepting and eating this cookie? Well, it tastes good, and you're probably hungry right? But what are the negatives to this cookie, overall it's not good for you. The person I want to sell you comes with guarantees and absolutely no negatives. This person is God. He is loving, forgiving, caring, and he loves each and everyone on this earth. You might ask what the price is; but there is no price, only believing in him, humbling ourselves to accepting his will, and loving one another. Our reward is eternal life with him as opposed to eternal life without him. With God anything is possible, and whatever we ask we will receive. There are no limitations to the happiness that a relationship with him can bring. He wants to be our friend. Think about it this way, we all have the one friend who goes out of their way for us, and in every way (and more) that's what God is. He wants us to be happy, he wants us to be surrounded by people who build us up, not those who tear us down. Overall, he wants the absolute best for us because that's how much he loves us. We have all felt like no one cares at times, but with God he cares all the time. Sometimes we hide things from others, although we can never hide anything from God even if we try to. We have nothing to fear, and nothing to lose with God, only gaining an amazing friend.
God Bless,
Sarah and MaryGrace