Sunday, March 20, 2016

Palm Sunday

It is Palm Sunday; which is the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. I'm not going to put the gospel here because it is so long, but look it up in your bible if you want. The Gospel (Luke 22:14--23:56) for today shows us Jesus' journey to Jerusalem, and his arrest. So, I want to ask you something. The people who welcomed Jesus in Jerusalem...what did they do when he was arrested, and Pilate asked them what to do with Jesus? Mocked him, and wanted him crucified. What do we do when we sin? Sinning for us is like what those people did. We accept Jesus into our heart, and then we disobey his commandments. Now I know we aren't all saints, and we are all imperfect, but next time you catch yourself in the near occasion of sin...think about the Gospel for Palm Sunday. It isn't always easy, and  I don't have it down either. I mean when you have a vice, or a bad habit it can be hard to stop it, although ask God today for the grace to know when you are in the near occasion of sin. One thing I want to talk about today is this. For me Palm Sunday is very emotional, especially because of the closing song we sang at our church "Were You There." I absolutely LOVE this song, and to be honest it is hard to hold back tears when you are carrying the cross, and altar serving. Now I'm not crying  because I'm sad, but because I know my sins caused Jesus' death, and it is a touching event, which moves my heart. Anyway Palm Sunday should be a reminder for all of us, of the actions Jesus took to save us, and what he did to make it possible for us to have eternal life.

Thank You Lord, for the gift of your son Jesus. Thank You for this Lenten season, and help us to grow closer to you in this last week of Lent. Help our hearts to look more like your heart, because that is what matters, us loving each and every one of our brothers. Overall that is what holiness is all about.
I'll leave you with this song: "Were You There?"

God Bless, Sarah

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