Wednesday, July 20, 2016


Fear holds us back from serving God, and doing things that would immensely help us. We have plenty of fears every single day whether big or small. Sometimes its financial problems, other times trying something new, or even what other people are saying or thinking about us. How do we overcome these fears, and is it even possible to overcome them? Of course it's possible to overcome our fear because Jesus gives us courage; we just have to accept it. Jesus gives us the exact amount of courage we need to overcome each fear. Do we accept it? Sometimes no, but Jesus still encourages us. And God tells us time and time again in the bible do not be afraid (Joshua 1:9):

I command you: be strong and steadfast! Do not fear nor be dismayed, for the LORD, your God, is with you wherever you go.

Why do we sometimes let fear control us if we know we have God on our side? It is just the human side of us, we aren't all perfect, and we don't always want to step out of our comfort zone. But God knows what is best for us, we on the other hand do not. Our judgement is clouded by sin, and our human state, while God's judgement is not clouded by anything because he is all good, and has our best interest in mind. So why not, why not trust God to best of our ability even in hard times? Sure we can be stubborn but once we get past our stubbornness we can, "do all things through him who strengthens us." (Philippians 4:13).

Here is "The God I Know" by Love and the Outcome:

Lord, please remind us that you know what is best, and that you give us courage. I pray for all those going to World Youth Day, that you may give them the courage they need to be able to make this trip. Thank You for guiding us with your hand, and giving us the courage to overcome fear.

God Bless,


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