Fear isn’t something to live our lives by but I know it’s a hard thing to deal with yet if God is for us then who can ever stop us right? A lot of us are sick and tired of living in fear...so the best thing to do is to turn to God when fear creeps into our minds turn to him and think of the garden and how Jesus begged God to take this from him and he cried...you’re probably thinking wow that’s relatable well what’s also relatable is coming through on the other side Jesus conquered death after that and you can also conquer whatever we’re going through...and no his situation is no different from yours because you both feel sadness and fear and just like he got through it so will we..that connection to Jesus gives the pain and fear purpose. Jesus was conquering death through his passion and through our suffering we’re conquering everything bad or negative in our lives everything we have to deal with because of the human condition but just like him we conquer it with Gods help.
I’ve always been told to connect my suffering with Jesus’s passion and I try to look at it as conquering something just like he did because that’s what we’re doing we’re conquering the devil and everything he tries to throw at us.
So basically to connect our suffering with Jesus is to conquer the devil with him...to show us we’re not alone and to show us that his suffering isn’t some ancient thing that happened 2,000 years ago that we can’t relate to, because we can relate to it he came down to earth took our human form and went through everything we go through.
God Bless,
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