Sunday, December 18, 2016

The Real Meaning of Christmas

Ok so we have about a week till Christmas, and everyone is rushing to plan, and buy presents and we are all super busy..I mean it's the holidays who isn't busy. But what if we all stopped for a second, forgot about presents, and planning and just thought about the real reason we celebrate Christmas? On Christmas Day Jesus was born! Now just think about that for a moment how much do we acknowledge the real meaning of Christmas? I mean planning dinner, and having people over, and giving others presents that's all important but the Christmas season is a time of waiting and preparing ourselves for the coming of the Savior. In this last week before Christmas take a moment and stop to look at all the joy Christmas brings people, and thank God because he is the reason for all the joy in the world.

This time of year is probably the best time of year for everyone because we get a bunch of presents just because it's Christmas. It's great to get presents and everything but I think it's even better to give presents. On Thursday a friend of mine reminded me that the real joy of Christmas is found in giving to others. So, I got this really good friend of mine a gift and I also gave her a card, and when she opened her present she was so happy. The look on her face and the excitement in her voice just melted my heart, it made me realize why giving is such a good thing. When we give we make someone else happy, and we sacrifice for them, but in turn we also get something which is the joy of seeing how happy they are, and their excitement. We shouldn't be giving to get recognition back, but we should be giving to make them happy, and in turn giving ourselves the joy of seeing them happy.

God Bless,


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