Tuesday, March 22, 2016


What is a sacrifice? It is an action we take to further someone's needs by saying no to our own desires. A perfect sacrifice would be the Crucifixion, and the Passion of course. Jesus decided to go against his human temptation, to complete the father's will for his life. This is what we focus on in Lent, and especially Holy Week right? We all make sacrifices. They don't have to be as big as Jesus' but they are part of our everyday life. For example, maybe going to church in the morning, when you know you are tired, and don't really want to go. I have definitely felt this way, but in the end it felt so good to go. Or maybe helping another person, when you had other plans. So you see sacrifices are part of our everyday life. I want to talk for a second about helping others, and sacrificing our time for others. It is good, and all, but when you take time to help others, what is your attitude? Attitude is what really matters! What I am trying to say here is this. When you help others with a bad attitude, wishing you were somewhere else, or trying to figure out how fast you can finish; it doesn't help, and it doesn't really matter either. I mean sure you helped physically, but what good does it do spiritually, and without a positive attitude?  Sacrificing is all about the attitude behind what you are doing. Jesus sacrificed himself Willingly, and he should be our example. So next time you are doing something for someone else, sacrificing time, or maybe suffering through a hard time, or an injury; check your attitude, because it really does matter. I'll finish with a story, and then a song. Back in October I had a fall...let's just say that I fell off my skateboard, and had a trilateral fracture. I was in the hospital for about four days, and my surgery took four hours. I was in a lot of pain...what did I do? I offered it to Jesus, for everyone I know, and the souls in purgatory. For me this was a pretty big sacrifice. It was hard at first because all I want to do was complain, and be mad at God (even though it wasn't his fault). When I looked past the pain God gave me the grace to know it happened for a reason. I can tell you from experience it is hard to sacrifice without complaining, but it is worth it. It was worth it for Jesus because he loves us, and it should be worth it for us because we want to please him, and help others.
Here is a song from Jeremy Camp, "He Knows." This is an awesome song that reminds you Jesus went through the same temptations, but he trusted in God's will. This is what we need to do Trust in God, and his Divine Will.
Thank You Lord, for always reminding us that you understand what we go through in life. Give us the grace to have the same courage you did when you carried the cross. Help us to serve others, and to serve you with a good heart and a positive, loving attitude.
God Bless,

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