Friday, February 3, 2017

Real vs Fake

There are so many fake things in the world begging for attention, trying to take our focus off God, and the real important people in our life. Trying to put us in a whole we think we could never get out of. Yet the truth is all the fake in the world is the devil just doing what he does. He tries so hard to get us off task to get us to surround ourselves with fake instead of true. There's too much stuff taking our attention from what's important what's true and what's moral. God needs us for his plan, which we are all part of whether we accept it or not and whether we believe it or not. We are all connected in some way or another. Ever wonder why you feel so close to certain people? That's why because we are connected in our lives physically and yes spiritually too.

We all want attention and we all want to be popular, but being popular shouldn't be more important than having real friends. A friend of mine once said, "I'm not popular I just have good friends." And ever since she said that I have never forgotten it. Our flesh body may want material goods, and a bunch of followers on instagram or Facebook, but what does our soul want? The soul is the only thing that matters because our body our material goods decay, and go away. So why surround ourselves with fake things and fake people that will eventually not matter anymore? Why be popular when we are already loved by God? Everyone has there own answer to these questions but the important thing is that we pray to God, that he will fill us with him and his love instead of us letting ourselves be filled with the fake material things of the world.

Everyone's been asked, "how are you." And yet do we ever think that the person on the other side of the question really means it? No to most people it's just a conversation starter, or just a kind gesture to make someone think they care about them. But for certain people asking this question they really do care. But either it's just dismissed or they're to shy to say it. There is a shy person in everyone's life, and most of time they are the people who care, they are the people who are there for you. Have you ever asked someone why they care or why they're so nice to you? If you do you'll get an honest answer because they would rather tell the truth than lie to someone they care about. The devil tries to put doubts in our minds about the people who are real in our lives, and aren't just our friends for the popularity or the money. In reality God put these people in our lives to help us. He uses them to build us up. Today think of one person in your life who you believe truly cares about you and is your real friend. Then thank God for that person. And pray for that person as well, because they've probably been praying for you since the day you two met.

God Bless


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